Boeing 707|FROG 349P Boeing 707 BOAC|FROG F141 Boeing 707 Air Lingus, Quantas|F349 NOVO Boeing 707|FROG model kit|Сборная модель НОВО

Boeing 707 Jet Airliner

FROG 1957

FROG 349P The BOAC Boeing 707 Jet Airliner, Model Aircraft International, 1958-64

Коробка FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC Коробка FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC Коробка FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC Коробка FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC Коробка FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC Декаль FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC Инструкция по сборке FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC Декаль оборот FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC
Boeing 707-320
Scale 1/144

"Early configuration, with low tail fin and no vental fin."

349P1958-1964C2} (35000)BOAC
F1411968-1970Gl15000Aer Lingus
W32 1968-1970J3150001xUSAF

FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom

FROG 1957

FROG 368P The Qantas Boeing 707 Jet Airliner, Model Aircraft International, 1963-65

Коробка FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC Boeing 707 VH-EBA Jet Airliner V-Jet Qantas, postcard
Model Talks

"QUANTAS 707: New from Frog is the Boeing 707 B turbofan airliner in the colours of Quantas, Australia's biggest airline. This model, to a 1/144" scale, retails at 7s. 6d. As there are several other Boeing 707 models currently available on the market it will be very interesting to see how successful from the sales viewpoint this new addition to the already large family of models of this well known jet giant will be. Enthusiasts who do buy this kit will, I think, agree with me when I say that there is a top-class set of transfers in the kit. Unfortunately the transfers are not only provided as actual decals but also as a substitute for the passenger windows. Maybe we plastic modellers have been molly-coddled by manufacturers. It does not seem so very long ago that window transfers would have been regarded as wonderful. But times have changed since then. I am sure that most modellers expect cut-out windows."
Philip Burden

RAF Flying Review October 1962

Did we really make the sad mistake of putting a "U" into "QANTAS" when we referred to Australia's Overseas Airline a few months back? It seems we did —and Reader S.A. Scotland has written in to remind us that the initials stand for Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services — without a "U." Claiming to be the oldest airline in the English-speaking world, QANTAS was founded in 1920. Its modest original objectives—to provide scheduled air services and joy-riding facilities for the citizens of a small part of Northern Australia—were counterbalanced by a name so imposing that the initials took over almost immediately. With the growth of QANTAS beyond the seas, the original name has long since lost significance except as a reminder of brave and difficult origins. But it is up to clots like us at least to spell it right! QANTAS
Editor Peter Williams

RAF Flying Review March 1960

Модель FROG 349P Boeing 707 QANTAS Шона Ротмана, Великобритания Модель FROG 349P Boeing 707 QANTAS Шона Ротмана, Великобритания Модель FROG 349P Boeing 707 QANTAS Шона Ротмана, Великобритания Модель FROG 349P Boeing 707 QANTAS Шона Ротмана, Великобритания

photo credit by Sean Rothman.

FROG 1964

FROG F141 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Aer Lingus Irish International Airlines, Rovex Industries Ltd, 1968-1970

Коробка FROG F141 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Aer Lingus Коробка FROG F141 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Aer Lingus Коробка FROG F141 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Aer Lingus Коробка FROG F141 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Aer Lingus Коробка FROG F141 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Aer Lingus Коробка FROG F141 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Aer Lingus Коробка FROG F141 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Aer Lingus Коробка FROG F141 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Aer Lingus Коробка FROG F141 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Aer Lingus
Boeing 707-320
Scale 1/144
F1411968-1970Gl15000Aer Lingus

FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom

FROG 1967

W32 The President's jet Boeing 707, 1968-70

Коробка FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC Коробка FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC Коробка FROG 349P Boeing 707 Jet Airliner BOAC
Boeing 707-320
Scale 1/144

"The USAF version was sold as «The President's Jet»."

W32 1968-1970J3150001xUSAF

FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom


"Re-issues of FROG Herald, Britannia, Comet 4 and Boeing 707. 1/72, 1/96, 1/96 and 1/144 scale respectively.

No manufacturer's name given (Not made by Rovex) Price 8/11. each. (U.K.)

These four kits represent a good idea spoilt by inexcusable carelessness. The models themselves are well-known, so no further comment will be made on them, and we shall confine our remarks to the new transfer sheets provided.

If the foregoing kits are bad, the 707 is a real shocker. Described as "The President's Jet", its markings bear no relation to those of the well-known Air Force One. Despite diligent search, we have been totally unable to uncover any evidence of their authenticity, and can only assume them to be the product of some designer's dreams. Beside such folly, the fact that the kit represents a 707 - 420 with the original short fin rudder, and is quite unlike any sort of U.S.A.F. VC-137 or C-135 is of minor importance. The issue of models of this degree of inaccuracy is, in 1967, well-nigh unbelievable. It is the greater pity in that the kits themselves, though old, are basically good. All four types could have been provided with attractive, appropriate, and accurate transfer sheets at no more cost than was necessary to produce the abortions inflicted upon them. The only virtue of these kits is that they enable anyone who wants to buy the models to do so at a lower price than hitherto."

The IPMS Magazine, november 1967


"Frog. This is an accurate and neatly-pressed 1/144 scale kit representing the original short-fin 707-420. It is not quite up to the standard of the Airfix kit, in that the cabin windows are not pressed out and surface detail is less good. The transfer sheet gives old-style B.O.A.C. markings, and is accurate; the kit has also been issued with accurate but inappropriate Qantas livery and wholly spurious U.S.A.F. markings."

The IPMS Magazine, january 1968


"Magazine November 1967 issue, Review of Boeing 707 kit: We have recently seen a photograph which proves that the markings provided with this kit are authentic, though they are actually those of a VC—137A, and are therefore better applied to the Revell model rather than the Frog one. Our apologies go to the designer of the decals and to Members, for this error."

The IPMS Magazine, march 1969

NOVO F349 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner, Cat.No.76098, NOVO Toys Ltd, 1977-1980

Коробка NOVO F349 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Cat.No.76098 Руководство по окраске и маркировке NOVO F349 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Cat.No.76098 Содержимое коробки NOVO F349 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Cat.No.76098 Коробка NOVO F349 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Cat.No.76098 Инструкция NOVO F349 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Cat.No.76098 Инструкция по сборке NOVO F349 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Cat.No.76098 Декаль NOVO F349 Boeing 707 Jet Airliner Cat.No.76098
Novo Toys Ltd., Maxey, Peterborough, England PE69HQ
Period: 1976-1981

The only all-new decals were those for the Dart Herald, F-82, Baltimore, VC10 and Boeing 707, although the first three probably had the new designs completed while still with Rovex. Either way, the design work was carried out by Dick Ward of Modeldecal.

"... the Boeing 707 is a special case worth mention. A batch of some 3,000 707s were received by Novo and quickly distributed. However, it was soon found that most kits suffered moulding defects and in the end all but a very few were recalled by Novo or returned to them by irate buyers."


FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom


Донецкий Боинг 1/144

Коробка Сборная модель самолёта Ф349 Коробка Сборная модель самолёта Ф349
  • 06.10.2017

  • Comet logo

    Comet No.9119, Boeing 707 Stratotanker, 1956

    707 KITS

    A large number of 707 kits, of varying quality, have been issued, though curiously, the most widely-used version, the Advanced 707-320B, is not among them. They are briefly described in the following section.

    Aurora/Comet. Originally issued in the Comet range at least 12 years ago, this is a remarkably good and accurate model of the 367-80 prototype in 1/125 scale. (There is also a 1/300 scale version). It is cleanly pressed and fits together well, though it shows its age in the impressed colour scheme lines. It has recently been re-issued by Aurora as a KC-135, which it is not, with markings of dubious accuracy, and pressed in dark grey plastic. Members are advised to finish this kit in the original "dash-eighty" brown, white and yellow markings, which are well illustrated in our photograph pages this month. The transfer sheet of the original Comet kit gave these markings.

    The IPMS magazine Vol.5 No.1, JANUARY 1968

    Lincoln logo

    Lincoln No.109, Boeing 707, Lincoln International 1959

    707 KITS

    Lincoln International. This small model, to 1/210 scale, represents the original version of the 707-420 with short fin and rudder. It is quite accurate in outline, apart from engines that are too narrow, but has no undercarriage or surface detail, apart from control surface hinge lines. The transfer sheet is rudimentary, and gives a part only of the old-style B.O.A.C. colour scheme.

    The IPMS magazine Vol.5 No.1, JANUARY 1968

    Revell logo

    Revell, Boeing 707, 1960

    Model Talks

    A very neat model of the Boeing 707 in BOAC colours has just come from Revell. With a span of 11½-inches ( a scale of just under 1/148) it is just large enough for realistic decorations to be added yet it is not so big that it will annoy those responsible for keeping the house tidy. Retail price is 8s. 6d. I found that this model went together extremely well—until I came to fix the wings to the fuselage. There are, I discovered, two small lugs on the lower wing halves, just where they join the fuselage. The effect of these is to leave a slight gap on the underside of the fuselage join and to provide a good, accurate join on the top surface. But they also produce an exaggerated dihedral. If you pick the lugs off with a razor blade you will find that the underside join is correct, the dihedral more realistic —and that there is a gap to fill in on the top!

    When you have sorted the wings out to your satisfaction you can start thinking about colour schemes. The BOAC transfers provided give the registration number as G-BOAC. This is, admittedly, what BOAC themselves have used on their advance publicity for these aircraft but in service the aircraft will be given correct registration numbers beginning with G-A. ... If you would like a little more colour on your model then I suggest you turn it into a Qantas 707. Basic colour scheme is red and white. In the fin and rudder decor illustrated the two bands, the word "QANTAS" and the flying kangaroo are in red with the registration letters in black. Both sides of the fuselage also carrying the word QANTAS in large red letters on the forward end with the legend Australia's overseas airline in smaller dark grey letters on the centre and aft sections of the fuselage. Aft of this is a small Australian flag. The cheat line along the windows is red.

    The wings are lettered in black with QANTAS on top outer port and "VH-EBE" top outer starboard. These positions are reversed on the undersides.
    —Geoffrey Norris

    RAF Flying Review January, 1960, Vol. XV, No. 5