FROG Fiat G.55 Single-seat fighter
FROG F216F Fiat G.55, Rovex limited; 1973-1974
Fiat G. 55 Centauro Srs. 1
F216F | 1972-1974 | J2(K) | 95000 | 1xRSI & 1xLW |
F430 | 1974-1976 | H(B) | 25000 | 1xRSI & 1xLW |
F216 | 1976-1977 | H(K) | 25000 | 1xRSI & 1xLW |
FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom
At the same time as the release of the Frog model of the Wildcat three other kits were issued. Of these, two, the Barracuda and the Lysander, are re-issues in bags rather than boxes whilst the third is another newcomer — the Fiat G.55. This again is rather an attractive kit and has the unusual feature of the tail-wheel doors and the cockpit seat moulded in with the fuselage halves.
It is simple and straightforward to construct and although we were only able to reach the stage of sticking the major components together before completing this review, it was obviously going to turn out an attractive model. It comes with two sets of markings, one for an Erprobungskommando of the Luftwaffe in 1944 and the other for one of the squadrons of the Fascist Italian Co-Belligerent air force that continued to fight on the German side after the capitulation in 1943.
The paint scheme of mottled green over sand for the latter aircraft always provides modellers with difficulties and all we suggest is that a brush be cut down to almost Vb inch from the metal ferrule for use as a stencil with the paint very dry. Excellent results can be obtained in this manner but experiment on scrap plastic will have to be carried out before perfecting the technique. Like the Wildcat this model costs 21 p.
Aviation News Vol 1 Num 13 10-23 November 1972
FROG. Fiat G.55 Italian Fighter. 1/72 scale U.K. Price 21p.
Again in grey plastic this kit certainly appears to be accurate when comparing the model with photographs etc. , although no scale drawings seem to be available it certainly looks 'right'. Assembly is straightforward and fit of parts is good, although on THIS kit the cockpit canopy is rather thick and heavy. One feature common to the G.55, Firefly and many other similar kits is the absence of any wheel well detailing, i.e. from certain angles one can see right through the wells into the fuselage of the model. This is easily corrected by carefully cutting and fitting bulkeads made from plastic card but it would be preferable if the kit manufacturers could take this into account during the basic kit design/tooling.
Decals are good, being for an aircraft of the RSI (Italian 1944 A.F. flying with the Axis powers) from la Squadriglia,l° Gruppo Caccia 1944. The colours recommended are (RSI machine) HUMBROL ITALIAN AIR FORCE PAINT SET 'MOTTLE GREEN' with 'SAND' mottle OVER this while on the other aircraft - German markings for a G.55 of the Luftwaffe Trials unit would be ITALIAN A.F. 'UPPER GREEN' the undersides on BOTH models being I.A.F. LIGHT GREY. Humbrol HI. 5. Interiors are COCKPIT INTERIOR COLOUR HD.2.
James Goulding
The IPMS magazine, november 1972
The big rush of new kits and re-issues is 'on' - a survey by Bob Jones (I.P.M.S.) and Scale Models
The other new FROG kit is for the Fiat G.55 to 1/72 scale; again in medium grey plastic, this is a simple kit with straightforward assembly. The omission of a cockpit floor is again most noticeable, particularly with the large area of wheel wells seen on the Fiat G.55; thus make and insert a false floor using thin plastic card. The cockpit canopy is rather thick and heavy, but this can be improved by gently polishing with toothpaste and then buffing with a soft cloth (most canopies in plastic kits benefit from this treatment, finally washing the canopy thoroughly in warm water to which washing-up liquid has been added).
The kit can also be improved by replacing the rather thick tail wheel doors and main undercarriage door covers from new parts made from thin plastic card. Interior of the wheel wells and cockpit is bright green (Humbrol cockpit interior colour paint set colours) and the external camouflage is as shown on the kit instruction drawing, use Humbrol Italian Air Force paint set colours for these finishes.
Scale Models No.40 1973 JANUARY Vol.4. No.1
Modelling world
Frog has followed the example of Italaerei and produced a 1/72 kit of the Fiat G55. This is a somewhat courageous choice because this Italian single-seat fighter is little known and did not play an important part in the air fighting in the Second World War. Nevertheless, the G55 Centauro was an excellent aircraft and it is good to have kits of the less glamorous types. It certainly makes a change from all those Bf109s, Me262s and Zero-Sens! The G56, which was a DB 603A-engined development of the Centauro and is an easy conversion subject from the Frog kit, was potentially one of the best piston-engined fighter designs of the period.
Frog's model is, for the most part, better than the Italaerei version, notably in respect of engine cowling shape and depth of radiator and oil cooler intake. The undercarriage, too, is more delicate. The transfers included are for a G55 of la Squadriglia, 1° Gruppo, Caccia, Aviazione RSI and for a second aircraft in Luftwaffe markings. The cost of this kit is 21p.
James Goulding
Aircraft Illustrated 1973-02 Vol.06 No.02"
FROG Blue series F430 Fiat G.55 Single-seat fighter, Rovex models & hobbies; 1974-1975
FROG Black series F216 Fiat G.55 Single-seat fighter, Rovex models & hobbies; 1976-1977
Revell H-82 Fiat G.55 Centauro, Revell (Great Britain) Ltd., 1977-1987
Revell (Great Britain) Ltd., Cranborne Road, Potters Bar. Hertfordshire, England EN6 3JX, 1977-80
Once the most important Revell branch outside the USA, the Potters Bar factory was closed down at the end of 1980. However, the company still exists as a distributor of German-made kits.
In the final years, Revell (GB) produced - among other things - the former Frog kits listed below. The British and German Revell branches co-operated closely and it is therefore not surprising that most of their issues are very similar to each other. The Bf 110, Do 335 and Me410 did, however, have boxes and decals more like the US than the German issues.
It should also be noted that the Rufe (and possibly also one or two others) were sold in two different size boxes.
FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom
Ex Frog kits reissued. 1/72nd scale. Prices vary.
ALTHOUGH the Russian manufacturer Novo has re-issued many of the Frog kits, it has refused to touch models of anything connected with Germany, Italy or Japan. Happily this state of affairs has improved of late as Revell has released eleven of the old Frog kits under their banner. These include two kits that Frog never generally released to our knowledge, the Nakajima Zero RUFE floatplane and the Heinkel He115C-1 both quite good kits and to form the subject of larger reviews in a forthcoming issue.
The other kits will be more familiar to our readers and they are the Heinkel He162A-2, Focke Wulf Ta152H, Fiat G55, Messerschmitt Me Bf110G-4, Messerschmitt Me410 A-1/U-4, Arado Ar234 "Blitz", Heinkel He111 H-1 and Dornier Do17Z.
No attempt has been made at cleaning up the models as far as we can gather; decals - remain the same and the poor box art is also retained, which could have been improved upon. Gone too, lamentably, is the familiar Frog full colour painting guide but these are well laid out on the detailed instruction leaflets which are indeed an improvement on the originals.
Reviews of most of the reissued kits have already appeared in post issues of SM so we resist the temptation to reiterate. These modellers to whom the kits will be new may care to look up the following references. We reviewed the Ta152 in the February 1971 issue, the Do17Z in the October 1971 issue, the Me110 in the September 1971 issue, the Heinkel He111 in the September 1972 issue and the Do335 in the July 1975 issue. Current prices range from 40p for the He162, Ta152, Rufe and Fiat G55, 80p for the Me110G-4, Me410, and Do335 to £1.15 for the Ar234, He111, He115and Do17Z. Interesting to reflect that the He111 was 81p six years ago, so the enthusiast has little to grumble about.
Someday, someone will sit down and write the history of the Frog kit right from its inception, via Penguins and up to the seventies- and it will make fascinating reading ...
Scale Models Vol. 9 No. 101 February 1978
Revell H-82 Fiat G.55 Centauro, Revell Plastics GmbH., 1977
Revell Plastics GmbH., West Germany 1977-87
Since the closure of the British and Spanish branches, this is the only Revell production plant left in Europe. It is also handling all sales to Africa and the Middle East.
Together with Revell (GB), the German branch was the first to use the former Frog moulds. It is also the only one to have issued the kits in different box styles and under different kit numbers.
The first issues - except for the Fiat and Ar234, which used retouched photos of the actual models - all had the old Frog artwork and also decals similar to the Frog ones. The He 115 was an exception since no artwork or decals had been prepared for Frog. All kit numbers had an H-prefix.
In 1982, all kit numbers became computerized and the prefix was deleted; H-80 thus becoming 0080 etc. By this time, the Fiat and Rufe had already been dropped. Also, the Me 410 never went through this stage.
Beginning in 1983, the current system was introduced. In this, all aircraft kits get a number starting with 4. The Me 410 was first, followed by the Ta 152, Bf 110 and He 111 in 1984, the Do 335 in 1985 and the Ar234 and Do 17 in 1986. Remaining kits have been dropped, and the Me410 was also discontinued by 1986. In 1987, only the Ar234, He 111 and Bf 110 remained in production. The kits reissued 1983-1985 got completely new boxes while the 1986 ones remained more-or-less unchanged. The 1984—1985 reissues also sported the new Ceji-Revell logo.
FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom
Revell Kikoler H-82 Fiat G.55 Centauro, A. Kikoler Com. e Ind. de Plasticos S.A., 1977
Revell Kikoler, A. Kikoler Com. e Ind. de Plasticos S.A., Rua Francisco Portela 175. Rio de Janeiro. RJ. Brazil, 1979? to ?
Kikoler is one of the major Revell branches in the world and has, at one time or another, produced a high percentage of the Revell kits released over the last thirty years. This includes the normal assortment of ex-Frog kits. Recent economical problems have caused Kikoler to reduce their kit range and it is possible that the ex-Frogs are not presently in production. However, chances are that they will be reintroduced later on.
Packaging is similar to that used by Revell (GB), except for the Bf 110, Do 335 and Me410, which have boxes similar to those used in the USA (albeit larger).
FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom
Revell Lodela H-82 Fiat G.55 Centauro, Plasticos Lodela S.A., 1977
Revell Lodela, Plasticos Lodela S.A., Berlin 34, Col. del Carmen, Coyoacan, Mexico 21, D.F., Mexico, 1979? to ?
Lodela was started in the 1950s to manufacture Revell kits for the local market. In 1986 a number of Heller kits were added to the range, but until then the company handled only Revell kits. Like all other Revell companies, Lodela have also handled the ex-Frog kits. Even if only a few have been positively identified to date, it is probably safe to assume that the normal eleven-kit assortment has been produced at one time or another.
Packaging does seem to follow US practice for some kits, European practice for others and a unique Mexican standard for the rest. It is not impossible that certain kits have been issued with more than one style of box. Numbering follows usual Revell standard. However, in 1985 an R was added to the kit numbers on all lists and catalogues. So far, only the Ta 152H has actually appeared with this on the box, but others may follow in due course.
Incidentally, Lodela took its name from the founder and present manager, Sr. Apolo Lopez de Lara.
FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom
Revell Congost 0082 Fiat G.55 Centauro, Luis Congost S.A., 1977
Luis Congost S.A., Travesia Industrial 247. L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain, 1980?-1983?
One of several Revell subsidiaries to use the former Frog moulds, Congost is unusual in that they are believed to have used two of the moulds not used by Revell elsewhere, namely the FW 190A and Bf 109F. The kit numbers for these two were presumably allocated locally. All other numbers were the same as used by Revell in other countries but lacked the usual H-prefix.
Artwork etc. was similar to that used in Germany but Congost in some cases provided new decal sheets; e.g. the He 115 came with a selection of Luftwaffe, RAF and Norwegian markings.
Congost is no longer involved with Revell, the Spanish market now coming under the German factory.
FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom