FROG, NOVO etc Fairey Gannet, 1957-2017 |
FROG 331P Fairey Gannet 3-seat prop-jet submarine spotter, International Model Aircraft Ltd, Lines Bros. Group, 1957-1963
Fairey Gannet AS. 1/4
| 331P | 1956-1964 | C1 | } 30000 | 1xFAA |
| F331 | 1964-1965 | C1 | 1xFAA |
Despite being crude, this was a rather good kit. It was the only one of the mid-1950s Frog kits to survive in production into the 1970s. The Gannet has the distinction of being the Frog kit released, copied or planned for release by the largest number of other companies. In this respect it is quite probably unrivalled by any other kit ever produced in the world.
FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom
Among the most significant model kits ever produced under the FROG brand is often named by modellers talking about: the Swordfish, the Super VC-10 FROG Ultimate kit and the Shackleton. Without exception, a truly unique kit, the Fairey Gannet, is always overlooked. There is hardly another kit in the history of plastic scale modelling that has been produced for such a long time without interruption by such a large number of modelling brands. The Gannet kit breaks every conceivable record in this series.
Sales of the Fairey Gannet kit starts in about early '58, according to an advertisement in Model Aircraft magazine, and is still on sale today under the Ark models and Eastern Express brands sixty years later. Under the brand name FROG it was sold non-stop from the first polystyrene model kits line up to the demise of "Rovex Models and Hobbies" in '76, with a total of 290,000 units sold. In addition to sales under the brand FROG, the model was sold by: NOVO Toys Ltd (UK); Tri-ang (France); AIR LINES (USA); UPC (USA); Hasegawa-FROG (Japan); Lincoln (Hong Kong); Revell AG (Germany); Chematic/Gomex (Poland). In the USSR it was produced for a long time by DFI/DZI Ukrpromigrushka ULP of the USSR and continues to be produced and sold in Russia by Ark Models and Vostochny Express (Moscow).
The 331P Fairey Gannet completes the initial line of FROG models, unified by detailing, design and box configuration. All these models are characterised by the famous pilot's head, a small number of details and an unexpected, in today's terms, match with the prototypes. After a first line of models, IMA produced two new lines of plastic aircraft, a large airliners at 1/96 scale and a new range of kits with engraved surface detailing at 1/72nd scale. These will be discussed in the respective articles.
The kit available for the new year 1958 was one of eight anti-submarine aircraft from the 824 Sqn based at Royal Navy's Eglington base in Northern Ireland. The aircraft were delivered to the unit beginning in February 1955. In April '55 the unit celebrated its 21st year and aviation journalists were invited to the event. Photos of the parade and a flight of eight planes made their way through the British press. The eight aircraft of the unit were numbered 411 to 418. Traditionally the aircraft with the "first" number in the unit belonged to the commander - Lt.Cdr. J.D. Honywell. His name and the names of the other crew members, Observer Winstanley and Radio Operator Hamplin, were stenciled under cockpit on the port side of the aircraft. And in the Frog tradition, this aircraft, numbered "number one" in the unit, was chosen as the prototype model.
As with all other FROG kits of the first series, the drawing on the box depicted the aircraft in flight from the port side. In the drawing for the Gannet, the artist chose to depict, on the left side of the aircraft, a stenciling in the form of a diamond for the left and right footrests, which was applied in reality on the right side of the aircraft.
"Latest of the Frog plastic models to reach the market are the Fairey Gannet and English Electric P.1A, price 8s. 6d. and 6s. 9d. respectively. Both are right in the top class of plastic moulding, only criticism being the scale pilot size, especially on the Gannet."
AeroModeller October 1957

Over the counter
The model aircraft section at the Tri-ang Trade Fair held in London recently presented the usual galaxy of models and accessories, although the number of new additions to the Frog range was less than in previous years.The aircraft carrier which was a feature of the Tri-ang Toy Fair. The propellers on the helicopter and "Gannet" revolve, but were stopped by our camera.
A novel touch was the presentation of the plastics—a Sikorsky helicopter stood on the deck of a large model aircraft carrier, its rotor arms revolving slowly, while a Gannet's engine revved up—the realistic scene is shown in the accompanying photo. Motive power was provided by 12 volt electric motors of the type used in model locomotives, and operated through an ordinary train controller.
Model aircraft, april 1958
Lincoln 112 Fairey Gannet, Lincoln International Limited, 1959 (58.XI)
Lincoln International Ltd., Hong Kong
Period: 1958-late 1960s?
The Lincoln brand was fairly well-known in its days, even if it never became one of the biggest ones. They were formed in August 1955 as a subsidiary of Lincoln in New Zealand and the first plastic kits appeared in 1956. General toys were also in their range. The company is still in existence but kit production was discontinued in the late 1960s.
Some Lincoln kits were original designs but others were copied from other manufacturers. Their Gannet was an almost exact copy of the Frog issue, the only change being an opened-up cockpit and the addition of crew figures. The mould was later taken over by Kader, which see.
According to some reports, Lincoln Industries Ltd. in New Zealand bought the old Frog moulds from Tri-ang Pedigree and had these shipped to the Hong Kong branch, but they were lost at sea while en route.
FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom
Tri-ang 331P Fairey Gannet avion triplace de reconnaissance a turbo-propulseur, Lines Freres SA, Calais, 1961
Air Lines 9804 Fairey Gannet, Lines Bros Inc., 1964
FROG The Attackers Series F145 Fairey Gannet, International Model Aircraft Ltd, 1965
Fairey Gannet AS. 1/4
| F145 | 1965-1968 | S | 20000 | 1xFAA |
New kits and models
ERNEST BERWICK Ltd, 11a Newland Street, Kettering, Northants, have sent us two old Frog kits not widely available now, but of which they still have stocks. Second kit is the Gannet AS4, presented in the short-lived Frog 'Attack' series. The somewhat elaborate pack has several useful features including a paint brush, phials of paint, and lead weights for the nose—a very handy item for this particular tail-heavy model. There is also an instruction booklet which includes historical notes and pictures. The kit itself is accurate and well worth getting if you are a naval aircraft fan— though we suppose there is a chance that this old kit may well be re-issued later on in the current Frog series. Meanwhile if you don't want to wait and see, take your chance now and buy while stocks last. Price 4s 3d, postage extra.
Airfix Magazine, April 1970
FROG Red Series F331 Fairey Gannet with Gold Tokens, International Model Aircraft, 1964-65
Fairey Gannet AS. 1/4
| F331 | 1965-1970 | F1(R) | } 100000 | 1xFAA |
| F331 | 1965-1970 | F1(R) | 1xFAA |
JS-030 Westland Gannet British naval strike aircraft, Hasegawa FROG, ハセガワ フロッグ JS-030 ウェストランド ガネット 1968
Fairey Gannet AS. 1/4
JS-030 | Fairey Gannet AS.1/4 | x | ? | 60000 |
FROG Red Series F331 Fairey Gannet, Rovex Industries Ltd, 1968-70
UPC 5081 Fairey Gannet, 1968-70
FROG Red Series F228 Fairey Gannet A.S. Mk.1 or Mk.4, Rovex Tri-ang Limited 1970-72
"It is pleasing to see that Frog has now re-released three of its older kits, but with new transfer sheets. The three are the Fairey Gannet, Fairey Barracuda, and Westland Wessex.
The Fairey Gannet kit is for either the AS Mk 1 or Mk 4 version, and despite the fact that it was originally issued many years ago it is still very worthwhile. The outline shape is excellent and the moulding crisp and clean. The only two unfortunate items concern the undercarriage and cockpits. The undercarriage is attached to the under-surface contour of the wing, there being no cut out for the wheel wells. This was a common feature of early kits, before the kit manufacturers became more adventurous in their presentation of detail. Similar comment concerns the cockpits on the Gannet which merely have the crew members' heads moulded into the fuselage. But in both cases it is possible to drill out the offending areas and replace them with more detailed parts. This is such an otherwise good model that it is well worth the extra trouble and time involved in making these alterations. Even as a stand model, though, it looks very pleasant. The transfers are excellent and are for a Gannet from 815 Squadron, HMS Ocean, or another from 1 Marineflieger-Geschwader, Kriegsmarine, in 1958.
It is a pity that Frog did not revise this excellent kit in respect of the undercarriage area and cockpits before reissue, although it would, no doubt, have been more costly if it had done so.
James Goulding
Aircraft Illustrated 1971 feb
Это переиздание Ганнета вызвало много хороших отзывов. Но в бочке мёда оказалась маленькая ложка дёгтя. После первых восторгов британские энтузиасты обнаружили досадную ошибку в описании к одной из схем окраски и маркировки. Это не портило модель, но лишний раз убеждало в недостижимости совершенства. Возможно, будет лучше привести фрагмент заметки из Airfix magazine:
"FOUR new kits from Frog will please FAA and Luftwaffe fans, since they cover some popular types. Two of the Royal Navy machines are in fact reissues, the Wessex and Gannet being the kits concerned.
Second re-issue is the Gannet 1 (or 4) which appears to be unchanged from earlier Frog days, though the useful lead nose weights in the last Gannet kit we had are no longer supplied. Transfers for two alternative machines are given, together with associated colour art on the box in usual Frog fashion. There appears to be a slight error here, however, since the 815Sqn aircraft is quoted as being from HMS Ocean in 1956', complete with 'O' tail code. However, this should refer to Ark Royal since Ocean certainly never operated Gannets in 1956 (or at any other time). In those days she was a seaman's training ship complete with deckhouse on the flight deck and lacking both arrester wires and catapult — any Gunnet attempting to land would have demolished the deckhouse (or itself) and probably dissippeared through the flight deck for good measure due to its weight! However, this does not detract from the kit but it's worth setting the record straight—deck codes do not always correspond to initial letters. Price is 24p as is the Gannet.
Airfix magazine 1971 march"
Bob Jones surveys new releases
New from Frog
Old favourites in new markings
OVER THE past twelve months or so kits released by ROVEX TRI-ANG LIMITED have been notable for the very fine quality transfers that they contained and it is not surprising that the company recently reissued three of their older kits with new decals and box art.
These are for the FAIREY BARRACUDA, WESTLAND WESSEX and FAIREY GANNET - each kit is in its own right of a very good quality...
The WESSEX Mk. 31 is in markings and camouflage of a machine from 817 Squadron Royal Australian Navy aboard H.M.A.S. MELBOURNE or alternatively from 845 Squadron Fleet Air Arm aboard H.M.S. Albion in Commando forces decor. Bearing in mind the original quality and accuracy of these kits we feel sure that all will enjoy a new lease of life in their new finishes.
Trio of re-releases from Frog are the Barracuda,Wessex and the Gannet, each at 4/9d. and now with a change of markings. These Naval aircraft have a wide range of possible decor and we shall publish photographs of other variations next month.
Scale Models No.17 1971 FEBRUARY Vo2. No.2
Кроме новой декали на два варианта оформления, модель получила коробку в новом стиле и новую графику. Боксарт коробки выполнил Эрик Кэрлисс (Eric Carless). Рисунок Gannet-а из состава 1MFG Кригсмарине художник дополнил ещё и изображением экспериментального британского катера 68ft VOSPER RESCUE & TARGET TOWING LAUNCH "EXPERIMENTAL" 2762E. На картинке номер у катера 207E. В действительности такие катера несли на борту четырёхзначные номера. Для экспериментальных вариантов к номеру добавляли букву "Е". В остальном изображение катера соответствует оригиналу.
Fairey Gannet AS. 1/4
| F228 | 1970-1973 | G1(R) | 120000 | 1xFAA & 1xGerman Navy |
Ричард Вард
С 70-х годов в создании декалей для моделей FROG начал принимать участие британский энтузиаст истории авиации Richard L Ward, исследователь истории камуфляжа и маркировки самолётов Британии и других стран известный моделистам со стажем по оформлению брошюр Profile publications, книг Osprey Aircam Aviation Series и многих других изданий. Дик Вард был одним из основателей IPMS (Международного общества пластикового моделизма) в 1963г. Он был полным тёзкой ещё одного британского энтузиаста моделизма - Ричарда М Варда, основателя компании по выпуску афтермаркета для моделей кораблей, и чтобы не вносить путаницу, Дик Вард стал подписываться полным именем Richard L Ward (L - Leask). Именно Дик Вард предложил ввести для моделей FROG альтернативные варианты оформления. И с его участием модели FROG стали отличаться от конкурентов всё более повышающимися стандартами соответствия оформления историческим прототипам. Одним из результатов усилий Дика Лиска Варда явилась серия декалей Modeldecal, продемонстрировавших моделистам самый высокий уровень для продукции афтермаркета, а производителям моделей - достойную цель, к которой им следовало стремиться.
FROG F228 Fairey Gannet A.S.1/4 Anti-submarine striker, Rovex Models and Hobbies, 1974-1975
Fairey Gannet AS. 1/4
| F228 | 1974-1975 | H(R) | 20000 | 1xFAA & 1xGerman Navy |
NOVO F228 Fairey Gannet Mk.I or Mk.4 Anti-Submarine striker, NOVO Toys Ltd Cat.No.76024, 1977-1979
Fairey Gannet AS. 1/4
Cat.No.76024 | 1979 | 25.000 | 1xFAA & 1xGerman Navy |
Cornwall Aero Park CAPK1 Fairey Gannet AS4/ECM6, 1980-1983
"Cornwall Aero Park
Clodgey Lane, Helston, Cornwall, England TR13 0GA
Period: 1980-1983?
Some 1,500 pieces of the Gannet were supplied by Novo to this museum, who added their own header card and new decals depicting the two aircraft in their collection. Some instructions were also given on how to convert the kit to a Gannet ECM.6, one of the two marking alternatives provided.
CAPK 1 Fairey Gannet AS. 1/4"
FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom
Novoexport F228 Fairey Gannet Mk.I or Mk.4 Anti-Submarine striker, тестовый тираж
F-228 Gannet Мк.4, Donetsk, USSR
F-228 Gannet Мк.4, 3887-U, DFI, 1980-s
F-228 Gannet Мк.4, 1R-02-048-0088, DZI, 1989-90-s
Revell 04106 Fairey Gannet A.S.Mk.1, Revell AG,1996
Fairey Gannet AS.1, Chematic/Gomix
Eastern Express 72266 Antisubmarine Aircraft Fairey Gannet Mk.1, Eastern Express Group
Ark Models 72024 Antisubmarine Aircraft Fairey Gannet Mk.1
С одной стороны, коллекционное издание модели Gannet-а московской компании Ark models, следуя оригиналу, естественным образом воспроизводит в инструкции ошибку почти пятидесятилетней давности, указывая авианосец "Оушен" в качестве места базирования самолёта. Хотя, с другой стороны, стоит заметить, что картинка со схемой окраски перерисована с использованием современных средств и не имеет ничего общего с графикой с лепестка NOVO Toys Ltd, поэтому авторам инструкции вполне уместно было бы сделать замечание о правильном месте базирования. Историчность от этого только выиграла бы. Более того, на декале и на схеме окраски сделана новая ошибка - белый фон на эмблеме Bundesmarine с якорем, фон эмблемы должен быть прозрачным, как на декалях FROG и Восточного Экспресса. Конечно, для бюджетной модели такие ошибки не являются серьёзным недостатком, но, увы, для коллекционной модели жертвой ошибок стала историческая достоверность во всех отношениях.
15.10.2017 |