Gloster Javelin, история модели FROG 324P|FROG F324

FROG 324P Gloster Javelin

FROG 1957

FROG 324P Gloster Javelin Delta Wing Interceptor, International Model Aircraft Limited, 1956

Коробка FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956
Коробка FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956 Коробка FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956 Коробка FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956 Коробка FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956 Декаль FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956

Over The Counter

"At the Tri-ang Trade Fair (see last month's "Over the Counter") several notable additions to the FROG range of kits were on show. Firstly the new polystyrene plastic kits: five are currently in production - the Hunter and Sabre at 5s 3d, the Sikorsky S.55 at 5s 9d, the Javelin at 7s 6d, and the Canberra at 8s 6d. There will be followed by D.H.110, Meteor 8, Venom and Sea Hawk. The kits are complete and ready to assemble. They include polystyrene cement, transfers and a stand for mounting the finished model.."

Model aircraft, 1956-05

324P 1955-1964 C1 } 20000 1xRAF
F324 1964-1965 C1 1xRAF

FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom

Инструкция FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956

фотографии деталей модели FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956, половинки фюзеляжа фотографии деталей модели FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956, половинки фюзеляжа внутренняя сторона фотографии деталей модели FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956, половинки крыльев фотографии деталей модели FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956, мелкие детали на литнике фотографии деталей модели FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956, фонарь фотографии деталей модели FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956, подставка модели фотографии деталей модели FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956, знаменитые головы фрогменов фотографии деталей модели FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956, шасси фотографии деталей модели FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, IMA, 1956, свинцовый груз
FROG 1964

FROG F324 Green Series Gloster Javelin, International Model Aircraft, 1964

Коробка FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, International Model Aircraft, 19645 Коробка FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, International Model Aircraft, 1964 Сборочная инструкция FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, International Model Aircraft, 1964 Декаль FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, International Model Aircraft, 1964
F324 Green series
with GTs
1965 F2(G) 30.000 1xRAF

FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom

Схема окраски и маркировки FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, International Model Aircraft, 1964  Коробка FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, International Model Aircraft, 1964 Инструкция FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, International Model Aircraft, 1964, Золотые жетоны, полезные советы FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, Rovex, 1965, оригинал фотографии для бокарта
FROG 1957

Tri-ang 324P Gloster Javelin, Lines Freres SA, Calais, 1962

Tri-ang/Frog (France)
Lines Freres S.A., Route de Dunkerque, Calais, France (to mid-1964);
Meccano - Tri-ang Lines Freres S.A., 70-88 Avenue Henri Barbusse. 93 Bobigny. France (from mid-1964)
Period: 1962?-1972?

"Old" Style
324P Gloster Javelin

FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom

Tri-ang Pedigree logo

FROG F324 Gloster Javelin, Tri-ang Pedigree (NZ) Ltd, 1969

Коробка FROG 324P Gloster Javelin, International Model Aircraft, 19645
Tri-ang/Frog (NZ)
Lines Bros. (N.Z.) Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand (to Feb. 1969);
Tri-ang Pedigree (N.Z.) Ltd. PO Box 14-146, Panmure, Auckland 6, New Zealand (from Feb. 1969)
Period; 1967?-1972?

In February 1969 the company name was changed and subsequent new kit releases had a new style of box with new artwork for some kits. Decals were standard Frog.

In 1971 the company was dis-associated with Britain and certain product ranges dropped. This included plastic kits which were soon discontinued.

The ultimate fate of the moulds has not been conclusively established. They are said to have been sold to another NZ toy manufacturer in 1977, but no details are known. Rumour has it that they were bought by Lincoln Industries Ltd. and shipped to Lincoln in Hong Kong, but that they were lost or destroyed while en route. This is unconfirmed, however.

Tri-ang Pedigree did, for all practical purposes, cease to exist in 1978 and all their records have been destroyed.

"New" Style
F324 Gloster Javelin

FROG model aircraft 1932-1976, R. Lines, L. Hellstrom

  • 06.05.2018